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You and Your GP Practice

Your GP practice has been working hard to ensure you get the care you need. Please be patient when contacting your practice. Practice staff are there to help you and are doing their best.


More than half a million appointments were booked for patients in Leicester, Leicestershire & Rutland in June 2021. If you no longer need your appointment, please make sure you cancel it, so your GP practice can offer the appointment to someone else who needs it.


Your GP practice is open and been open throughout the Covid-19 pandemic. If you call your practice requesting an appointment, a member of the practice team will discuss what type of appointment it should be and your preferences.

When you make an appointment at your GP practice, the receptionist may ask some questions about your symptoms. It is helpful to give them as much information as possible to they can either make an appointment with the most appropriate member of the health team, which may not always be a doctor.


Your GP practice will try and see you as soon as possible. You may have to wait a little longer than you expect but this is because there may be patients with more health needs who need to be given priority. 


In June 2021, 17,813 patients did not attend their appointment at their GP practice. This cost the NHS an estimate of £534,390. If you no longer need your appointment, please let us know so we can offer it to someone else who does.


285,492 appointments were made for patients with other members of the GP practice staff team during May 2021. This is because your GP practice has a wider team of health professionals who may be better for you to see. including nurses, clinical pharmacists and physiotherapists.


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